What is Angry IP Scanner And What is it Used For

Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP Scanner, commonly known as IPscan, is a widely recognized open-source tool among network administrators. This powerful tool assists in network security by scanning IP addresses and ports.

This guide delves into its utility, platforms, security, and even addresses the curiosity of its threading capabilities.

Angry IP Scanner

What is Angry IP Scanner and What is it Used For?

Angry IP Scanner is a cross-platform and open-source network scanner designed to be fast and straightforward to use. It scans IP addresses and ports, making it an invaluable tool for network administrators for network management and maintenance tasks.

This versatile tool is used for a variety of network-related functions such as:

  1. Checking the status of machines on the network.
  2. Discovering servers running on an arbitrary network.
  3. Detecting unauthorized devices connected to the network.

Downloading Angry IP Scanner

Downloading Angry IP Scanner is a straightforward process. The tool can be downloaded from its official website or GitHub repository.

The website offers separate downloads for different platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. Ensure you choose the correct version for your operating system for optimal performance.

Angry IP Scanner on GitHub

As an open-source tool, Angry IP Scanner’s source code is available on GitHub. The GitHub repository allows anyone to contribute to its development, report bugs, or even fork the project to create something new.

This open development environment is one reason why Angry IP Scanner continues to be updated and improved.

Angry IP Scanner and MAC Address

Angry IP Scanner can provide MAC addresses for all scanned IP devices. It includes a feature to show MAC addresses when displaying the scan results, providing valuable information about the network’s devices.

Angry IP Scanner on Ubuntu

Installing Angry IP Scanner on Ubuntu is relatively simple. It involves downloading the appropriate Debian file from the official website and using the dpkg command to install it.

Detailed instructions are available on the website to guide you through the installation process.

Installing Angry IP Scanner on Kali Linux

Installing Angry IP Scanner on Kali Linux is similar to the Ubuntu installation process. Download the suitable Debian file from the official website and install it using the dpkg command in the terminal.

Angry IP Scanner for Windows 7 64 Bit

Angry IP Scanner supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems. To install it on Windows 7 64-bit, download the 64-bit Windows executable from the official website and follow the on-screen instructions to install it.

How Many Threads Does Angry IP Scanner Use?

The number of threads used by Angry IP Scanner can be adjusted according to the user’s requirements. The default setting is 100 threads for optimal performance. However, the user can increase or decrease this number depending on their network capacity and how aggressive they want the scan to be.

Is Angry IP Scanner Safe?

Yes, Angry IP Scanner is safe to use. It’s a reputable open-source tool widely used by network administrators worldwide. However, like any tool, it should be used responsibly. Scanning networks without proper authorization can lead to legal repercussions.


Angry IP Scanner stands as a highly effective and widely accepted tool for network scanning and management. With a broad range of functionalities, this open-source tool proves useful for network administrators worldwide.

Its compatibility with various platforms, including Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, and Kali Linux, adds to its appeal. While the tool is safe, it should always be used ethically and responsibly.

For more detailed and updated information, refer to the official Angry IP Scanner website or its GitHub repository.

Always ensure to download the software from trusted sources to ensure the safety and security of your systems. Enjoy efficient network management with Angry IP Scanner!


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